Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Man Fact.

“Five per cent of men admit to using a toothbrush after it fell down the toilet” - this is one of the ‘124 AMAZING MAN FACTS’ from last month’s Cosmopolitan. I must say that out of all of the ‘MAN FACTS’ this one definitely caught my eye.

For someone who is rather clean conscious I could not even begin to imagine brushing my teeth with a filthy toilet juiced toothbrush. I have no bloody idea what brings any man to use his toothbrush even after it falls into the toilet...I mean come on its not as if they’re expensive! Go and buy a new one!
Another thing on my clean conscious mind at the moment is the increase of Swine Flu and Fresher’s Flu at university. I can hardly say I’m pleased about the sniffs and snivels I hear in my many lectures but I’m happy to say (for the moment) I’m getting through it (probably due to the fact that I carry tissues in every pocket and wash my hands on a more than regular basis) oh the joys of winter.

“’Tis the season to be jolly, tra la la la laaaa la la blah blaaaaah”

Oh god, on the subject of the dreaded Swine here is another ‘MAN FACT’ from Cosmopolitan: “more than two-thirds of all men said they’d snog a girl who had swine flu if she was attractive enough.” Now I’m sorry if I’m just overly concerned about my health but why on earth would you want to put yourself at risk at such a horrible illness? Come on, how many times have the news people told us to STAY AWAY from people with swine flu and yet men, idiots, shallow one-minded pricks still would kiss a girl just because she was good looking?! What is happening to the world, sometimes I wonder.

1 comment:

  1. yes! someone else that sees sense! i read that article too and have to say i was slightly disgusted by those two facts!
