Thursday, April 28, 2011

Seminar- The New Journalism, Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe was the founder of the New Journalism movement. His book is a collection of articles; less newspaper style and more magazine. New Journalism is an artistic form of reporting.

The style, first used in the 60s and 70s was very detailed. The journalist often needed to see an event first hand before writing an article; characters needed to be built from the people involved, an atmosphere needed to be created - the writing was so descriptive it can be compared to novels. Journalists writing in this style wanted their readers to feel the emotions of the people involved and feel connected to the story.

How did it all begin?
The war. Journalists started writing in more detail during the war, it was important for everyone to know exactly what it was like. It was a way for some people to express their individuality.

In the 21 century people want to know everything - it's celebrity culture. We now have bloggers which use pictures; people want every detail, they even want to SEE what journalists are talking about now. Blogs have become free New Journalism as there is little censorship.

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