Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Semester 2, Lecture 2 - The Outsider

Here are my notes from the lecture;

Consciousness is intentional and meaning is fixed subjectively.
Knowing is a structure, with some ideas having more priority than others - depending on intention.

'Objects to hand' - don't think about them. When we do think about them they become odd, strange.
'Being' is making choices about what is important.
There is no pure thought - always an agenda.
Ideas are structures of intentions.
Existential problem of choosing is a curse of life!
The source of our decisions is our social interaction and habit of mind.
'Hell is other people.'
There is no self - only a temporary structure of ideas. There is 0.1% of other people within our structure.
Existence is Dasein (ordinary) - a way of coping of being alive, a way of being. It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it.

Everything you think is relative to the culture you're from

This is when you see meanings in things.
I.E. a cup of tea...NO I SEE CAPITALISM!
What you see is not what you see.
Freud said that we are unreliable witnesses to our own lives.


What is time? Kant was the first to realise that there are different types of time.
Einstein said that time itself is a dimension of the universe. We can only see three dimensions; length, depth and width. Time is the fourth dimension. (Not uniform or regulated.)

Heidegger on time:
our structure of being.
Time is a function of perception;
  1. The past - guilt
  2. The future - unknown
  3. The present - dread
Existential Morality aims to reduce feelings of guilt about the past and promote indifference towards to future.
Existence proceeds essence. We exist not because we're born, we don't know, it's not important.

Where does guilt/dread come from?

Camus - The Outsider
He refuses to be determined by other people, he strives for authenticity.
Nobody is writing your life - strive to gain control, can lesson guilt and fear, widen choices.
All in present tense, the main character feels no guilt about his actions in Nazi Germany.
Bad things happen to society and individuals when you don't live your life authentically.
Why are we here now? We're thrown into the world.

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