Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do We Ever Know What We Really Want?

When I first came to university I had no idea what I wanted to do in life, there were too many options and I’m just too indecisive! But after a few months I set my sights on becoming a journalist; an independent women writing for something like Cosmopolitan or Glamour, I figured I could write about boys anytime of the day. But what if I change my mind, what if that’s not what I’m meant to do, how will I ever know?! Do we ever really know what we’re meant to do?

My mum told me that she’d always wanted to be a nurse and to this day she is, I have always been so envious of how some people just know what they want to do and so easily! Although maybe my life could be an adventure of changing careers and travelling to find out what I’m looking for, the only problem is that like most women I have no idea what I’m looking for whether it’s the perfect pair of jeans or a new pair of shoes.

I blame the poet man that came into school in year 11; none of us knew what we wanted to do after our GCSE’s so in his ‘cool’ poetic manner he told us all how if we didn’t know what we wanted to do we’d fail and get nowhere in life. What a stupid poet.

I’m sure that one day I’m come to the right conclusion; I wanted to say to all the final years leaving in a few weeks, good luck in the future. I hope that whether you know what you want to do in life or not that you have an amazing time.


  1. claireyy! didn't know you were on here! haha x
    and I think lots of people are in your situation, when the right opportunity arises you'll know it :) x

  2. Hey!! haha I have to have it as part of my Journalism degree :) hense all the lecture notes!
    aw thanks loomsy :) xx
