Saturday, March 6, 2010

'No hoods' policy unfairly enflicted on great-grandmother Peggy Harden.

Reading through the BBC News and The Daily Mail websites I came across an article which shocked and confused me.
In December 2009 great-grandmother Peggy Harden was shopping with her husband Desmond when she was confronted by a security guard in the shopping centre who asked her to remove her hood due to their 'no hoods' policy for security reasons. Peggy and Mr Harden, both of who are 84, were confused by the situation.
A spokesman for the centre has apologized to Mr and Mrs Harden but said that the banning of hoods is 'to ensure a safe and enjoyable shopping experience for everyone'.

After reading both articles from the sites I was firstly very shocked, I couldn't believe that someone could find these people threatening; they clearly weren't out to steal anything with Mrs Hardens hood and their walking sticks!
Although from another angle if the shopping centre has a 'no hoods' policy then surly it should apply to everyone? If we begin to single people out then the issue could become more complicated.

I understand that the policy is there for a reason, but it was clear to see that Peggy was not a threat to anyone.

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